Author: Sandra Harmon

Maintain Your Septic System with Professional Tank Services

Whenever you’re hiring a septic tank service, it is essential to check their credentials. Find out if they have licenses for cleaning and inspection of septic tanks as well as insurance coverage for their technicians and your home.

Ask for references from friends and family as well as online reviews. This will help you choose the best septic tank company for your needs. Check out Septic Tank Services Near Me for more details.

septic tank

When wastewater enters a home, it flows from each drain into a series of pipes that lead to a septic tank. This buried, water-tight container holds the wastewater long enough for solid wastes to settle down to the bottom and for fats, oils, and greases to drift to the top where they can be partially broken down by bacteria. After this initial treatment, the liquid wastewater (called effluent) exits the tank and travels to a leach field or drain field, where it percolates through the soil. This provides additional treatment by removing disease-causing pathogens, nutrients, and other contaminants.

All of this happens because of a complex, well-designed system of plumbing and septic tanks. But if not cleaned regularly, the solid material inside your septic tank can clog pipes and leak into the environment. That’s why it’s important to hire a reputable septic tank service for regular inspection and cleaning.

A septic tank contains all of the solid waste that runs through your household plumbing. This includes waste from toilets, sinks, showers, and washing machines. The solids settle down to the bottom of the tank as sludge while fats, oils, and greases float to the top as scum. The wastewater moves from one end of the septic tank to the other through a series of baffles and an outlet.

The septic tank is the heart of your septic system. It’s important to maintain this tank properly, including ensuring the system is properly vented and having it pumped regularly. A septic tank that’s overflowing can cause health and safety issues for your family, and it can also lead to contamination of local water sources.

You can avoid costly repairs by keeping the tank clean and hiring a trusted professional to do routine inspections. During a regular inspection, your septic tank service will check for any damage or leaks, and they’ll clean out the sludge and scum.

Before you hire a septic tank service, check the company’s Angi rating to ensure they’re a dependable and reputable option. The Angi rating is based on verified reviews from homeowners like you who have hired septic tank services. This can help you find pros that offer high-quality work at fair prices.


A septic tank is designed to receive gray wastewater (from kitchens, laundry rooms and bathrooms) and black wastewater (from toilets), and to separate them into 3 layers. Oils and fats float to the top and create a scum layer, heavy solids sink to form a sludge layer, and the liquid waste that remains is called effluent or wastewater.

After septic tank treatment, the wastewater is discharged through pipes to an absorption field, or drain field. The effluent is then absorbed into the soil, which naturally filters and purifies it of harmful bacteria before it seeps back into groundwater.

In most septic systems, the water leaves your home through a distribution box, which has multiple outlets to evenly distribute the wastewater throughout your drain field. The system may also have a pump to help get wastewater through if the septic tank is getting full too quickly.

If you have a septic system, it is important to follow good maintenance practices to prevent problems and keep your system running well. This includes regularly checking for clogs, ensuring your septic tank is pumped when needed, and not planting trees within 30 feet of the tank or drain field area. The roots of these trees can clog or otherwise damage your drain field. Also, never allow anyone to work on your septic system without first ensuring they are licensed system professionals.

Leaks and other problems with your septic system can cause your septic tank to fill too quickly, or may cause the liquid waste in the tank to spill out of the tank. Other signs of a problem include drains that are slow or backed up, or the smell of sewage in your home. If you have one or more of these issues, contact your septic tank service immediately.

If your septic tank isn’t properly sized for your household, it won’t be able to hold the liquid waste that comes from your home. Your septic tank service can help you determine if your septic tank needs to be enlarged. A septic system that’s too small can clog and overflow, leaving you with costly repairs and unpleasant odors.


When homeowners think about plumbing maintenance, they often overlook the septic system, which manages waste in homes not connected to public sewer lines. A well-maintained septic system helps keep local waterways clean and provides healthy habitat for fish, birds and other wildlife. To ensure your septic tank is operating at its best, schedule routine inspections and pump-out services.

A septic tank is a buried, water-tight container made of concrete, fiberglass or polyethylene. It holds wastewater long enough for solids to settle down to the bottom and break down into sludge, while oil and grease float to the top and decompose in the liquid layer of scum. Compartments and a T-shaped outlet prevent the sludge and scum from leaving the tank and traveling into the drainfield area. The liquid wastewater (effluent) exits the tank through a distribution box and into a series of perforated pipes buried in an absorption field.

The soil in the drainfield acts as a biological filter, processing the effluent and releasing it back into groundwater and surface water. Organic material in the effluent decomposes into a nutrient-rich liquid that is safe for plants to absorb. The septic tank, septic tank lids and absorption field must be properly sized, constructed and maintained to assure satisfactory operation and a long service life.

Keeping your septic system in good working order is key to ensuring that you don’t experience expensive and dangerous problems down the road. Schedule regular septic tank pumping to remove the sludge and scum that builds up inside. Maintaining a properly functioning septic system also reduces the load on your home’s septic tank and surrounding soil. Fix leaking faucets and toilets, install water-saving fixtures, limit the amount of laundry you wash each week and avoid flushing non-biodegradable materials or harmful chemicals.

When it comes to septic tank disposal, you can trust the professionals at ATS Environmental. We provide proper removal, excavation and site restoration, following strict environmental regulations to minimize the impact on the environment. ATS’s team of experienced technicians has the training, equipment and technology needed to excavate, clean and remove your septic tank without damaging the surrounding property.


The septic tank itself is an important part of your system, but it is not the only component. You also need a leach field, which is an area of soil that receives and filters the liquid effluent from your septic tank. This helps protect your home from contamination and disease-causing organisms, and it prevents wastewater from seeping into surface water.

In the leach field, aerobic bacteria continue to treat the effluent, completing the treatment process. Unfortunately, if you do not dispose of solid waste properly, this bacterial action is limited and your leach field will eventually fail. It is recommended that you have your septic system inspected and pumped regularly to avoid the need for costly repairs and replacements.

When you hire a professional for septic tank pumping, the contractor will arrive with a truck that is equipped with a large tanker. Once the contractor opens your septic tank, they will pump out the sludge and scum layer with a giant vacuum hose. The waste is then stored in their tanker vehicle and transported to a sewage processing site for disposal.

A common misconception among septic tank owners is that they do not need to have their tanks pumped if they have not experienced problems with their systems. In reality, septic systems need to be pumped out at least every three to five years. If you have a foul odor coming from your drains or the septic system is nearing capacity, it is time to call a professional for a pump out and inspection.

Many common household cleaners and disinfectants can actually harm your septic system. These substances are too harsh for the bacteria that are essential to the function of your septic system, and they may cause clogs and failure. You should only use organic and biodegradable household cleaners.

You should also take precautions to protect your septic system from other threats. Never park vehicles or equipment over the septic tank, absorption field, or distribution box, and limit landscaping over the area. This prevents debris from entering the septic system and allows you to better locate components when doing home maintenance or yard work. It is helpful to map out the location of your septic system and mark it with stakes or paint to prevent damaging it with heavy machinery.

Why Garage Door Repair Is Necessary

A residential garage door specialist can do a thorough inspection, tighten bolts and screws, clean electronic sensors and lubricate metal parts. He or she will also recommend upgrades to improve safety or functionality.

Garage Door Repair

Sometimes a garage door isn’t working properly because the sensors are dirty or misaligned. Often, simply wiping them down and aligning them solves the problem. Visit Website to learn more.

The cost of garage door repair depends on the severity of the problem and whether it can be solved at home or needs professional attention. Some problems may pose serious health and safety threats, such as a malfunctioning opener system that can collapse the door on people or pets, while others are more minor but still require prompt attention to prevent further damage. Regular inspections of the springs, sensors, tracks, and rollers can help homeowners identify any potential issues that could lead to costly repairs down the line.

If the garage door opener is making screeching sounds, it’s time for a replacement chain or cable. The new parts will run you from $60 to $120, and the labor costs can add another $100 to $200 to the total cost of the repair. The key to extending the life of these parts is regular lubrication. You can do this with a household oil or grease, or buy specific products designed for use on garage doors.

Metal garage doors are prone to corrosion, and rust can cause the parts that move the door to wear out faster. Typically, you’ll need to replace the pulleys or cables about every 10 to 15 years. You can extend the life of these parts by keeping them lubricated and performing a visual inspection regularly.

Garage door sensors are designed to detect obstacles in the path of the closing door and reverse its movement to prevent accidents. However, if the sensors are not functioning correctly, it can be a significant safety hazard for the entire family. You can test the sensors by placing an object, such as a roll of paper towels, in front of the sensor and activating the door to close.

If your garage door frame is sagging or damaged, it will cost you anywhere from $300 to $400 to repair it. A sagging frame can affect the function of the garage door and can also cause it to bow outward, which can put pressure on other components such as the rollers. You can fix a sagging frame by re-enforcing the studs or replacing them altogether.


Garage doors can be dangerous and should only be repaired by trained professionals. The repair process involves working with springs, cables and other mechanical components that can be very dangerous if not handled correctly. Garage door technicians must be able to troubleshoot, diagnose and repair problems with sensors, track systems, motors, gears, bearings, pulleys and cables. They also must have good communication skills and be able to follow written instructions in a diagnostic manual. In addition to technical knowledge, these professionals must be able to work in challenging or hazardous conditions and be able to safely handle or lift heavy components.

While some homeowners may be tempted to try to fix their own garage door, it is important not to do so. Trying to do so can be very dangerous and may result in serious injury to yourself or your family. Additionally, attempting to perform a DIY repair can often void your warranty.

Instead, there are a few basic maintenance steps that you can take to keep your garage door in good condition. For example, a quick visual inspection of the door and the hardware can help you spot any issues that need to be addressed. Check for cracks or dents that need to be repaired, loose or broken parts, and binding or jamming. In addition, make sure the safety sensors are clean and properly aligned. Finally, it is a good idea to regularly replace the weather stripping. This will prevent moisture from entering the house and can save you money on energy bills.

It is also important to understand that a broken garage door poses a safety risk for children and can allow burglars easier access to your home. Therefore, it is best to get a broken garage door fixed immediately to ensure your family’s safety and the security of your belongings. Moreover, a damaged or rusting garage door can be an eyesore and a drawback to your curb appeal. If the damage is extensive, you may need to consider replacing it altogether. A professional can help you find the right replacement door for your home.


A warranty is a great way to add confidence to your garage door repair services. The best ones are comprehensive, with coverage for both parts and labor. However, it is important to read the fine print and understand exactly what the warranty covers before you sign up. For example, some warranties exclude damage caused by natural disasters or accidents. Others may require regular maintenance from authorized service providers to remain valid.

You should also look for warranties that offer a money-back guarantee in case you are not satisfied with the service. This will give you peace of mind that if the problem with your garage door arises again, you will be able to get it fixed at no additional cost. If you are not sure what type of warranty to choose, consult a professional for assistance.

Many homeowners try to DIY their garage door repairs, but this can be a dangerous proposition. Not only are you likely to void your warranty by performing the work yourself, but you could end up paying for expensive replacements or repairs down the road. Moreover, DIY repair attempts often fix only the symptoms and not the actual problems. This can lead to further complications that will ultimately require more costly repairs.

When choosing a garage door repair company, make sure that they have a good reputation and offer a wide range of services. Ensure that the company has extensive experience in handling residential and commercial projects. In addition, you should look for a business with an excellent customer-service department and a good track record.

A quality company will always have a warranty policy in place. In a 2023 study, it was found that more than 80% of consumers consider warranty coverage as an important factor when deciding on home services. Moreover, the company should be willing to offer a warranty that extends beyond the manufacturer’s warranty. This will provide extra peace of mind for customers, and it will encourage repeat business. In fact, some companies even offer guarantees and money-back policies on installation warranties. This is another way to show customers that they are serious about providing the highest possible level of customer satisfaction.


Taking the time to do regular garage door maintenance work can keep your garage door working as well as it should. It also can increase the value of your home, as a new garage door in a fresh style and color adds curb appeal.

The time it takes to complete a garage door repair job depends on the type and severity of the damage. Minor problems, such as a squeal or a rubbing sound, may only require a few hours to fix. However, if the problem has been present for a long time and causes stress on the structural system of the garage door, it is likely to take much longer to repair.

Repairing a garage door can involve troubleshooting, identifying and repairing issues with springs, torsion assemblies, tracks, rollers, automatic openers, and other mechanical components. These repairs often require a combination of diagnostic skills, technical knowledge, and manual dexterity. They can be complicated and involve disassembling the equipment, replacing or adjusting parts, and performing routine maintenance tasks such as safety inspections, lubrication, and equipment testing.

In addition to mechanical repairs, some garage door professionals offer additional services such as paint refinishing or the installation of a new door. These additional services can be more time-consuming than the basic repair, but they can greatly improve your overall experience with your garage door.

If you’re unsure about what type of repair work is needed, it’s best to consult with a professional who can evaluate the condition of your garage door and recommend appropriate solutions. An experienced technician can save you a lot of time and money by diagnosing the problem quickly and accurately.

A reputable repair company will prioritize safety during the repair process. This is because a damaged garage door can be dangerous, especially when it contains electrical components. Inexperienced DIYers can cause further damage, which will result in more extensive repairs and more expensive labor costs. In addition, reputable repair companies typically provide warranties on their work, which can give you peace of mind.
