Tag: drain cleaning

Maintain Your Septic System with Professional Tank Services

Whenever you’re hiring a septic tank service, it is essential to check their credentials. Find out if they have licenses for cleaning and inspection of septic tanks as well as insurance coverage for their technicians and your home.

Ask for references from friends and family as well as online reviews. This will help you choose the best septic tank company for your needs. Check out Septic Tank Services Near Me for more details.

septic tank

When wastewater enters a home, it flows from each drain into a series of pipes that lead to a septic tank. This buried, water-tight container holds the wastewater long enough for solid wastes to settle down to the bottom and for fats, oils, and greases to drift to the top where they can be partially broken down by bacteria. After this initial treatment, the liquid wastewater (called effluent) exits the tank and travels to a leach field or drain field, where it percolates through the soil. This provides additional treatment by removing disease-causing pathogens, nutrients, and other contaminants.

All of this happens because of a complex, well-designed system of plumbing and septic tanks. But if not cleaned regularly, the solid material inside your septic tank can clog pipes and leak into the environment. That’s why it’s important to hire a reputable septic tank service for regular inspection and cleaning.

A septic tank contains all of the solid waste that runs through your household plumbing. This includes waste from toilets, sinks, showers, and washing machines. The solids settle down to the bottom of the tank as sludge while fats, oils, and greases float to the top as scum. The wastewater moves from one end of the septic tank to the other through a series of baffles and an outlet.

The septic tank is the heart of your septic system. It’s important to maintain this tank properly, including ensuring the system is properly vented and having it pumped regularly. A septic tank that’s overflowing can cause health and safety issues for your family, and it can also lead to contamination of local water sources.

You can avoid costly repairs by keeping the tank clean and hiring a trusted professional to do routine inspections. During a regular inspection, your septic tank service will check for any damage or leaks, and they’ll clean out the sludge and scum.

Before you hire a septic tank service, check the company’s Angi rating to ensure they’re a dependable and reputable option. The Angi rating is based on verified reviews from homeowners like you who have hired septic tank services. This can help you find pros that offer high-quality work at fair prices.


A septic tank is designed to receive gray wastewater (from kitchens, laundry rooms and bathrooms) and black wastewater (from toilets), and to separate them into 3 layers. Oils and fats float to the top and create a scum layer, heavy solids sink to form a sludge layer, and the liquid waste that remains is called effluent or wastewater.

After septic tank treatment, the wastewater is discharged through pipes to an absorption field, or drain field. The effluent is then absorbed into the soil, which naturally filters and purifies it of harmful bacteria before it seeps back into groundwater.

In most septic systems, the water leaves your home through a distribution box, which has multiple outlets to evenly distribute the wastewater throughout your drain field. The system may also have a pump to help get wastewater through if the septic tank is getting full too quickly.

If you have a septic system, it is important to follow good maintenance practices to prevent problems and keep your system running well. This includes regularly checking for clogs, ensuring your septic tank is pumped when needed, and not planting trees within 30 feet of the tank or drain field area. The roots of these trees can clog or otherwise damage your drain field. Also, never allow anyone to work on your septic system without first ensuring they are licensed system professionals.

Leaks and other problems with your septic system can cause your septic tank to fill too quickly, or may cause the liquid waste in the tank to spill out of the tank. Other signs of a problem include drains that are slow or backed up, or the smell of sewage in your home. If you have one or more of these issues, contact your septic tank service immediately.

If your septic tank isn’t properly sized for your household, it won’t be able to hold the liquid waste that comes from your home. Your septic tank service can help you determine if your septic tank needs to be enlarged. A septic system that’s too small can clog and overflow, leaving you with costly repairs and unpleasant odors.


When homeowners think about plumbing maintenance, they often overlook the septic system, which manages waste in homes not connected to public sewer lines. A well-maintained septic system helps keep local waterways clean and provides healthy habitat for fish, birds and other wildlife. To ensure your septic tank is operating at its best, schedule routine inspections and pump-out services.

A septic tank is a buried, water-tight container made of concrete, fiberglass or polyethylene. It holds wastewater long enough for solids to settle down to the bottom and break down into sludge, while oil and grease float to the top and decompose in the liquid layer of scum. Compartments and a T-shaped outlet prevent the sludge and scum from leaving the tank and traveling into the drainfield area. The liquid wastewater (effluent) exits the tank through a distribution box and into a series of perforated pipes buried in an absorption field.

The soil in the drainfield acts as a biological filter, processing the effluent and releasing it back into groundwater and surface water. Organic material in the effluent decomposes into a nutrient-rich liquid that is safe for plants to absorb. The septic tank, septic tank lids and absorption field must be properly sized, constructed and maintained to assure satisfactory operation and a long service life.

Keeping your septic system in good working order is key to ensuring that you don’t experience expensive and dangerous problems down the road. Schedule regular septic tank pumping to remove the sludge and scum that builds up inside. Maintaining a properly functioning septic system also reduces the load on your home’s septic tank and surrounding soil. Fix leaking faucets and toilets, install water-saving fixtures, limit the amount of laundry you wash each week and avoid flushing non-biodegradable materials or harmful chemicals.

When it comes to septic tank disposal, you can trust the professionals at ATS Environmental. We provide proper removal, excavation and site restoration, following strict environmental regulations to minimize the impact on the environment. ATS’s team of experienced technicians has the training, equipment and technology needed to excavate, clean and remove your septic tank without damaging the surrounding property.


The septic tank itself is an important part of your system, but it is not the only component. You also need a leach field, which is an area of soil that receives and filters the liquid effluent from your septic tank. This helps protect your home from contamination and disease-causing organisms, and it prevents wastewater from seeping into surface water.

In the leach field, aerobic bacteria continue to treat the effluent, completing the treatment process. Unfortunately, if you do not dispose of solid waste properly, this bacterial action is limited and your leach field will eventually fail. It is recommended that you have your septic system inspected and pumped regularly to avoid the need for costly repairs and replacements.

When you hire a professional for septic tank pumping, the contractor will arrive with a truck that is equipped with a large tanker. Once the contractor opens your septic tank, they will pump out the sludge and scum layer with a giant vacuum hose. The waste is then stored in their tanker vehicle and transported to a sewage processing site for disposal.

A common misconception among septic tank owners is that they do not need to have their tanks pumped if they have not experienced problems with their systems. In reality, septic systems need to be pumped out at least every three to five years. If you have a foul odor coming from your drains or the septic system is nearing capacity, it is time to call a professional for a pump out and inspection.

Many common household cleaners and disinfectants can actually harm your septic system. These substances are too harsh for the bacteria that are essential to the function of your septic system, and they may cause clogs and failure. You should only use organic and biodegradable household cleaners.

You should also take precautions to protect your septic system from other threats. Never park vehicles or equipment over the septic tank, absorption field, or distribution box, and limit landscaping over the area. This prevents debris from entering the septic system and allows you to better locate components when doing home maintenance or yard work. It is helpful to map out the location of your septic system and mark it with stakes or paint to prevent damaging it with heavy machinery.

HVAC Basics

Hvac Winchester KY systems can seem complicated, but they don’t have to be. Learn the basics, including costs, key terms and products like thermostats and ductwork.

Your system’s indoor air handling unit includes the evaporator coil and blower fan that circulates conditioned air through the ducts into indoor spaces. Keep it clear of vegetation and debris to prevent problems like overheating or clogging.

Keeping cool is an essential part of most HVAC systems. It also tends to be the most expensive part of the system to maintain, especially if you have a large home. This is why regular maintenance service is so important. It will help to keep your energy bills low and extend the life of your equipment.

The cooling process starts with a cold liquid refrigerant. The refrigerant travels through a heat exchanger in the evaporator coil where it absorbs the ambient heat from the air in the room. The warm air is then pushed out of the house through the ductwork while the refrigerant changes to a gas and goes back to the compressor where it gets re-cooled. This cycle continues until the room temperature is comfortable.

Most homes in warmer climates use a central AC system but there are also alternatives like window ACs, portable units and ductless mini-splits. All of these options are designed to cool the building and some also provide heating functionality as well.

There are a few different types of AC systems that commercial buildings use. Chilled water systems are good for larger spaces that need a lot of cooling while dedicated outdoor air systems focus on ventilation and can save you money in certain climates.

Whether you have a traditional AC system or a hybrid dual fuel model there are many parts that make it work. The most obvious is the blower fan that moves the conditioned air around the space via the ductwork. It’s a good idea to get the ductwork inspected and cleaned every two to five years in order to prevent airflow problems.

Other key components include the evaporator coil and the condenser coils that take the heat from the air in the room. The evaporator coil is where the moisture in the air is removed and is a big part of why your home becomes less humid when you run your AC.

The air filter is another essential part of the HVAC system. It helps to remove the impurities from the air that can cause health issues. It is recommended to change your air filters every two or three months. Dirty air filters lead to poor air flow and increased energy usage.


A working HVAC system is crucial to our daily lives, keeping us warm and comfortable in winter and cool and refreshed in summer. These systems also regulate temperatures, circulate and replenish indoor air, and filter and clean stale air for a healthy, happy home environment. Understanding the basic elements of heating and cooling can help you make smarter choices and be more confident with your home’s needs.

Thermostats are the brains of your heating and cooling system, regulating and monitoring temperature to keep the space comfortable. They can be manually or automatically controlled, and they may have digital or analog displays to provide convenient access and control. Smart thermostats offer even more convenience and control, allowing you to adjust your home’s temperature from anywhere with your phone.

Furnaces heat your home by burning gas, oil or electricity to produce hot air, which is then delivered throughout your space through ductwork and vents. They can be combined with ventilation systems that circulate fresh air and exhaust stale air, or with a dedicated outdoor unit for improved energy efficiency.

Air conditioning works with your home’s heating system to keep the space comfortable year-round. They are available as split systems that use one outdoor unit to both cool and heat, or ductless mini-splits that operate without the need for a centralized ductwork system. Air conditioners use a compressor, coils and fans to remove heat from the indoor air, cool it and dehumidify it for comfort.

Ventilation systems use ducts, vents and returns to bring in fresh air, regulate temperature, balance humidity and improve indoor air quality by removing dust, smoke, smells, allergens and harmful gases. Some are equipped with a filtration system to trap particles and microorganisms and maintain temperature.

HVAC technicians enjoy competitive salaries, and the variety of work environments makes the job intellectually stimulating. You might choose to specialize in a particular area of the field or gain extensive experience in many different areas. You might also add to your expertise by earning a certification. With the right training and professional-grade equipment, you can build a successful career in heating, ventilating and air conditioning.


Ventilation involves the movement of fresh air into a space to replace stale indoor air. It also helps to control exposure to airborne contaminants by both diluting them (by dilution ventilation) and removing them from the building or room through exhaust systems. Ventilation may be natural or mechanical.

Natural ventilation is typically accomplished by opening windows and doors or using fans in open spaces such as a living area or workshop. However, this method can be inefficient in larger buildings and it can be difficult to control in climates with extreme temperatures or humidity.

HVAC systems with a central air conditioner use ductwork to distribute cooled air throughout the house. The system is powered by a furnace or an air conditioning unit that uses heat pumps, electric resistance, or combustion to cool the air.

The refrigerant in the HVAC system is under different pressures at various points within the system, but it is constantly changing between liquid and gas states. The compressor pumps the refrigerant from its cold state through the evaporator coil in the cooling compartment of your home to the condenser outside. At the outdoor condenser, the refrigerant absorbs heat from the ambient air. It then returns to its warm state and the cycle begins again.

This circulating process is what makes your home feel comfortable. It moves stale, hot air out of your home and brings in fresh, clean air. This is why it is essential to ensure that your ductwork is sealed properly and that there are no leaks or gaps in the ductwork.

Poor ventilation can make you sneeze, cough, and feel fatigued and irritable. It can also increase the risk of infection and trigger asthma symptoms.

In addition, it has been shown that ventilation can introduce harmful substances into a building or deteriorate its indoor climate if it is not carefully designed, installed, operated and maintained. A variety of factors are known to influence this, including:


The control system of an HVAC unit consists of the sensors and relays that monitor and manage the functions of a home heating and cooling system. This could be as simple as a standard thermostat that can only turn the equipment on and off or it could be a more sophisticated Building Management System (BMS) that can communicate with all other systems in a building including lighting, fire alarms, and security systems.

A VAV box controller for example can use input from a temperature sensor to determine that the room is too cold and it will send a signal to the Damper actuator which is an analog output device to close to the minimum position. This will then send a signal to the Heating Hot Water control valve to open which is also an analog output device. This will then start to modulate the Heating Hot Water system to provide the proper amount of heat for the space.

Modern HVAC controls are used to control temperature, humidity, cleanroom processes such as chip manufacturing or pharmaceutical production, animals, IT equipment in data centers, and even human performance and comfort. These control systems may include a central system or self-contained unit packages for individual rooms, roof top units, and air-to-air heat pumps. In addition to the basic on/off function of HVAC equipment, many modern control systems use advanced sensors and actuators that are networked together via a BACnet (Building Automation Network) communication protocol that optimizes their operation.

Energy monitoring and analytics are another part of an effective HVAC controls system that can save businesses money over time by locating inefficient equipment and procedures and providing opportunities for energy-saving measures to be implemented. By tracking energy usage, it is possible to reduce load on the electrical grid and potentially qualify for rebates and incentives from utility companies.

For larger homes and buildings, it is common for the HVAC controls to be folded into a BAS (Building Automation System) where the control system can be integrated with all other building systems for unified operations and optimized energy management. This can be done by integrating with occupancy information from security systems, for example, to adjust the temperature of the home when it is unoccupied in order to avoid spending energy on unnecessary heating or cooling.
